
There are so many options with Hunter Stoves, from what you would like to achieve in regards to your heating, to the look of the stove itself.

With dry fires, wetback fires, and central heating boiler stoves the options are endless. With their already great style you can change door configurations, and additions like brass knobs or canopies.

Central Heating

Hunter stoves specialises in whole house heating. Designed for wood fired central heating, it will take care of all your domestic hot water needs, run radiators and/or under floor heating.

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Dry Fires/Radiant Fires

Dry fires or another name is Radiant fires these emit heat from the fire into the room heating up all the surrounding areas and furniture and fittings. The hunter fires being built of boiler plate not mild steel is very suited to heating in this way. They can come in a variety of sizes from small to large

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Wet back Fires

Hunter stoves Wood fires will take care of all your domestic hot water needs. Wetbacks can reduce your hot water heating costs by supplementing your domestic hot water needs. If you are looking to run radiators head to our boiler/central heating fires

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Make heating a priority. Think about what you need before next winter arrives